Welcome, welcome to the Disneyland of Tones!. This is the most toneful place on Earth.
Navagation through this site is so easy even Goofy could do it! Simply click on one of the ten tone words and read the examples
followed by analysis. Once you believe you have a good understanding of tone try out the post test!
What is Tone?
Tone is the overall mood that the author reflects upon his written work. By using various
rhetorical devices, he or she can reveal their feelings and set a certain atmosphere to the topic.
Synonyms for "tone":
- atmosphere
- feeling
- mood
- ambiance
- attitude
- style
Once a reader can easily identify the tone of the passage, they gain a fuller understanding
of the author's message. We all deal with tone everyday. Whether its the tone of your voice while you're talking to your mother
or the perfect make- up that matches your skin tone, the concept is not foreign to us. Now, we simply need to address
tone from a different point of view. So click away and as Walt would say, " The way to get started is to quit talking and
begin doing" !