Disneyland of Tones

Mock Serious

Mock Serious
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of a pretended serious look or act
Synonyms:  burlesque, counterfeit, ditto, do like, fake, feign, go like, hoke, imitate, lampoon, make like, mime, mirror, parody, satirize, send up, simulate, take off, travesty

"The time for change is now," said the black guy, yelling at everyone within earshot for 20 straight minutes, practically begging America for change. "The need for change is stronger and more urgent than ever before. And only you—the people standing here today, and indeed all the people of this great nation—only you can deliver this change." It is estimated that, to date, the black man has asked every single person in the United States for change...

~ The Onion, "Black Guy Asks Nation for Change"


      The mock-serious tone of this passage arises from the serious way in which the humor is implemented. Modeling a factual news article, this satirical version recounts the speech orated by Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, in which he asked the nation for change; more specifically, change regarding the issue of race. While presented in a serious manner, the entire article is mock-serious or humorous. In context, the meaning of "change" as used, does not refer to changing beliefs or attitudes but refers rather to pocket "change". Therefore, the humor arises from a black man (usually associated with behaviors such as begging) asking for the pocket change of every American. The sly altering of the usage and connotation of the word "change" are what effectively lend the artice its mock-serious tone.

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