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--a mixed feeling of happiness, sadness, and longing when recalling a person, place, or event from the past, or the past in general


evocative, implicative, mnemonic, nostalgic, recollective, redolent, remindful, similar




      "Once there were four girls who shared a pair of pants. The girls were all different sizes and shapes, and yet  the pants fit each of them. We discovered their magic last summer, purely by accident. The four of us were splitting up for the first time in our lives. Carment had gotten them from a second-hand place without even bothering to try them on. We, the members of the Sisterhood, were friends before the Traveling Pants.

      We've known each other since before we were born. Our mothers were all in the same pregnancy aerobics class, all due in early September. We all have in common that we got bounced on our fetal heads too much.You know how people make a big deal about which twin was born three minutes before the other one? Like it matters? Well, we're like that. We four, the daughters, reminisce about it sometimes--we look back on that period as a golden age."


The Second Summer of the Sisterhood  ~ Annn Brashares


     Brashares successfully creates an atmosphere of nostalgia immediately "Once there were four girls." She sets a mood of intimacy to enhance the overall atmosphere of reminiscence by directing the statements in first person ("We, the members of the Sisterhood...Well, we're like that.").
     The second paragraph displays the most remembrance when addressing their mothers and their birth because of the past tense verbs ("known," "were," "got bounced"). Words such as "reminisce" makes it easy to identify these types of nostagic passages. Also,the reference to a golden age is referred to in times of prosperity in history. In this context, the author similarly uses this phrase to refer to the good times that the four girls had together, and thus, emerges a feeling of nostalgia in the reader.

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