Disneyland of Tones


Mock Serious
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--full of, characterized by, or due to zeal; ardently active, devoted, or diligent.




active, alert, animate, ardent, brisk, buoyant, dynamic, ebullient, elated, energetic, energized, enthusiastic, excited, fervent, gay, happy, passionate, peppy, quick, snappy, spirited, sprightly, vibrant, vigorous, vital, vitalized, vivacious, vivid, zealous, zestful, zingy, zippy, lively


     "Then she slipped through it, and shut it behind her and stood with her back against it, looking about her and breathing quite fast with excitement, and wonder, and delight. She was standing inside the garden.

     It was the sweetest, most mysterious-looking place anyone could imagine. 'How still it is!' she whispered. 'How still! No wonder it is still. I am the first person who has spoken in here for ten years!' But she was inside the wonderful garden and she could come through the door under the ivy any time, and she felt as it she had found a world all her own."


The Secret Garden ~Frances Hodgson



     The ebullience of this passage is mainly transparent when reading the phrases with exclamations. The author sought to make her character seem excited as well as bring the audience to a familiarity by inputting interjections. This successful tactic is one of the ways that buoyancy may be depicted. As for syntax, the elongated and comma-filled sentences creates a quick paced reading resembling the amount of zeal in the character.

     The setting itself is described also yields a vibrant mood. "Excitement, wonder, delight," mysterious-looking place," "imagine," and "world," are elongated words that make the reader capture the author's tone intended to make a place of unlimited possibilites. All these qualities of the passage arouse the audience to feel the vitality of the atmosphere.







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