tending to seduce; enticing; beguiling; captivating
Synonyms: alluring, attracting, attractive , beguiling, bewitching, captivating, charming , desirable , drawing , enchanting, enticing, fascinating,
flirtacious, inviting, irresistable, magnetic , provacative, ravishing, siren, specious,
"As an example, imagine right now that you’re holding a fresh, juicy lemon in your hand. Feel
its cool, hard roundness in the palm of your hand, its bumpy texture against your skin and see its clear yellow color with
a hint of green at the ends. Imagine cutting it open and seeing the juice squirt out of it. Smell the lemon's tart aroma.
Now tilt your head back and squirt the lemon juice in your mouth. "
~ Agnes K. Green, "Guided Visualization"
While short in presentation, this excerpt is very
seductive. The seductive tone comes not from sexual seduction but rather from its alluringness. Descriptive, rich words and
phrases such as " fresh, juicy lemon", "cool, hard roundness", "clear, yellow color" and "bumpy texture" attribute to the
alluring tone. The imagery and descriptive details as well as the positive connotations of words such as "fresh" also contribute.
However, the strongest bearer of allure comes from the fact that this excerpt appeals to almost all of our four senses, therefore,
subliminally seducing us to desire a lemon after reading it.